With the onset of autumn cold, the haircut is stopped. This protects the lawn from freezing. Due to the renewal of the soil during the operation of lawns, the development of plants is difficult. From a lack of oxygen, the grass is inhibited and perishes, the site loses an attractive look. To avoid this, Dernin is aerated by piercing, cutting or echoing with a rake. The easiest way to pierce the sod layer with ordinary pitch. The loosening of the surface of the lawn also helps to improve soil moisture release. In some countries of Europe, lawns have been living several decades. True, their existence is supported by very laborious care. Obviously, there is no need to start a green carpet for centuries. However, with timely enrichment of the soil, organic or mineral fertilizers, the lawn can delight the owners of the estate for many years. The steep slopes of slopes and earthen terraces are not always able to cover with a herbal carpet planted according to the method of ordinary lawn. Rains and winds often destroy the upper soil layer with seeds or young shoots. For landscaping slopes, it is better to apply dulling – a continuous or intermittent laying of the plate of meadow turf along with the grass. Meadow grass before cutting the plates is mowed to a height of 3-5 cm. Then the site is cut into strips 25-30 cm wide, from which plate in size 25-30×40-50 cm is cut. Before delivery to the site, the plates are folded in pairs with the front sides inward and tied to stacks. The surface of the slope before the turf coating is thoroughly aligned. The plates are laid in dense rows along the slope (horizontally) with a ligation (discrepancy) of vertical joints (rice. 97). The dressing prevents the leaching of the joints by rainwater and the formation of continuous grooves in the direction of the slope. For leveling and better contact, turfs with root soil, laid plates are rolled up with a roller. On steep slopes, the plates are at first kept poorly. Therefore, they are additionally strengthened with wooden hairpins 25-35 cm with 2-3 pieces for each.
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