In cases where it is necessary to completely avoid applying one image on another, use a biprism, which is placed in the plane of the intermediate image of the pipe, and a slit diaphragm located in the plane of the output pupil of the pipe. The rib of biprizma and the axis of the gap of the diaphragm are located parallel to the line of separation of the lens by the wedge or the semolins. All the rays that emerged from the corresponding point of the AB Reiki and passed through the input pupil participate in the construction of any point. For example, in building an image of the point, all the rays enclosed in a quadrangle participate, and in building a point all the rays limited by the bcb’Db quadrangle. At the same time, two half -beams participate in the construction of the image of each point: one, which goes through the upper half of the lens, for example, the other half -beam, which goes through the lower half of the lens. Both half -beams pass through an eyepiece and through the output pupil fall into the eye. Put in the plane of the image of the biprism so that its rib is parallel to the edge of the wedge, dividing the lens into two parts. Biprism will reject bundles of rays going to the lower and upper halves of the eyepiece, and forms two output pupils shifted relative to each other. If now on the path of rays in the plane of the output pupil, place the diaphragm to the form of a gap parallel to the rib of the bipriza, then it will cut off the rays coming from the arrow A through the lower half of the lens, and the rays coming from the arrow to through the upper half of the lens. As a result of this eye, only the uninhabited image of the arrow A, since the rays that passed only through the upper half of the lens reach it, and only the displaced and the rays of the arrow 5, since rays that passed only through the lower half of the lens, will reach the eye, I am replaced by a wedge.
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