There are three methods of applying an enlightening film: chemical, physical and hydrolyzing. Enlightenment of the lenses of optical systems approximately doubles the passage of light in optical devices and, in addition, significantly reduces the harmful effects of multiple light. The coefficient of the light pipes of the other tools should be no more than 10%; The transmission coefficient of visual pipes of all tools should be at least 60%. The brightness of the visual pipe: the brightness of the observed objects of the eyes judges by the illumination of their images formed on the retina of the eye. The greater the illumination, the more irritation the photosensitive nerve endings that cover the retina receive. The degree of this irritation is called subjective brightness. Therefore, the subjective brightness of the pipe in these cases increases in proportion to the square of the diameter of the input pupil of the visual pipe. This allows you to observe stars through telescopic systems during the day, since when observing through the visual pipe the subjective brightness of point sources is higher than the background.
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