To begin with, we align the floor, select the appropriate glue of this type of work. It is also necessary to stock up on tools – these are plastic crosses, a gear spatula, a mixer for a drill, a bucket for kneading glue. Buy tiles should be marked. It is better to start with a prominent place, for example, the angle, and the worst elements of the tiles close closed places, for example, under the bathroom, under the washing machine. At the highest points of the surface, with the help of the level we determine the starting guide, from where we begin to put the tile. For convenience, it will not hurt to pull the cord along the wall, like a guideline and adhere to this height when masonry.
Knead half a gear of glue, then apply it with a trowel along the wall. It is important that the consistency of the glue is not liquid, in terms of density of thick sour cream. Distributing evenly glue over the entire surface of the tiles we lay it on the prepared solution. To get air, and the tile lay down on the level of the cord, it is necessary to crush it. For a beautiful seam, it is necessary to use crosses. When the first row was laid, you need to give the glue to freeze so that the correct level does not shift when laying a second level. It is important to immediately wipe the glue with a cloth, t. To. In a day, he will remain on the tile forever. The appearance is spoiled, and the level of the row is violated. For round holes, a grinder with a diamond circle is used. A little training on tile trimming and you can start, the main thing is not to forget about safety measures.