The shooting of the relief of the site – leveling – it is better to entrust specialists, surveyors or builders who have the necessary tools at their disposal: levels and measured rails. With their help on a plot of 0, 06-0, 12 g, the shooting process will take no more than 1, 5-2 hours. If this is not possible, you can do the leveling yourself. As a working device, a wooden construction level (Waterpas) is used, to the ends of which two parts of the vizier are attached: an eyepiece (eye) and a fly. The device is attached to the triposotostativa so that it rotates freely around the central vertical axis. Before the work of this homemade level, they achieve such a position of the supporting legs, in which in any direction of the vizier, the bubbles of the waterpasis would occupy a neutral position. This operation is thin and sometimes quite long, capable of bringing the most calm person out of balance, but there is no other way: without ensuring strict horizontal vizier, the leveling is impossible! It will also require a flat wooden rail 2-3 m long, marked with divisions after 1 cm. Divisions should be clear, clearly visible at a great distance. To make a shooting, the leveling device is put at a point from which almost the entire territory of the site will be visible and, therefore, it can be penetrated from one position of the tool. However, this will not always work: a residential building or something else can close a part of the territory from the observer. Then, after shooting the site from one point, the tool is transferred to another, from which the site closed before will be visible. For full shooting, more than 2-3 levels of levels are not required. When leveling, the height of a constant point (for example, the steps of the porch) is taken as a zero mark. Then they measure the relative height – excess or decrease in relation to the zero point of the most characteristic places of the site (sites for driveways, courtyards, future landings). After applying vertical marks of these places, certain conclusions about the relief of the site and the volume of future earthwork can be drawn to the plan. This method is simple, but, unfortunately, is inaccurate.
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