Even for a driver with an experience, buying a new car is a test. Auto -manufacturers constantly replenish their model range, improving and modifying the previous options for machines. In this regard, there is a difficulty in choosing a car. Therefore, we must comprehensively approach the process of buying a new car.9 errors that are most often made by motorists when buying a new car.1. Love of one particular car brand. So the moment has come when you are ready to spend your bloody earned on the purchase of a new car. Feelings of joy overwhelm you, but you have to be concentrated. Do not give the way to emotions. First you need to abstract from the standards you accepted, because when you are interested in only one brand of cars, the rest that may be much better will remain unnoticed. Conclusion: When buying a new car, try first as possible as much as possible to consider the entire range of new machines that interest you, gradually narrowing it.2.Test Drive. The test drive of the new car is one of the most important points when choosing a car. Take a car for about an hour and check your feelings that were formed even when watching a car magazine, where this beauty looked like a ray of light in a dark kingdom. During the trip, disadvantages and advantages will become obvious to you and may become decisive when buying a car. Conclusion: you are offered a test drive? Do not refuse. Personal opinion is much more important, the opinion of the expert from the magazine.3. Price. Discounts, promotions, sales conditions. All this forms the total cost of the car. Ask the dealer about it, but more likely T. To. Some deliberately keep silent about it. Conclusion: warned, then armed. Do not be shy! Ask, be interested, specify.4. Car on credit If you decide to take the car on credit, then be careful and concentrated when talking with the seller. He can talk about how small a monthly loan payment, but not to say how much you overpay when buying a car on credit, about the possibility of paying a loan ahead of schedule. Conclusion: Remember – buying on credit in any case you overpay.5. Hot offers of car dealers often offer the purchase of a car at a hot offer at a large discount or on favorable conditions. Perhaps this is a machine that was used for a test drive or for some reason cannot be sold at the usual price. Think about whether it is worth buying such a car and how much spare parts will cost later and then. Conclusion: when buying a car at a hot offer, do not burn on the price of spare parts.6. Safety of a car pillow, ABS, ESP – these are those options for which you should spend. Additional options will cost you a penny, but in the end they can save your life. Remember that the car is a means of transportation of increased danger conclusion: safety is above all.7. What options are still not needed? Additional options are one of the ways to fill the price of a car. Electric mirrors, serving seats are additional tricks to attract attention. Although they have to be tuned only once. Conclusion: Additional options – additional money from your wallet8. Car exchange I am my old car for a new in a dealer center, remember that you give your car according to the results of the dealer assessment and at a price below the market. It is better to sell your car yourself, and then buy a new car. Conclusion: Several ads on the Internet or in a local newspaper will help you save money.9. Warranty is an additional warranty period here is another way to lure money out of you. Think: for several years to change the unexplored pads, timing belt and so on in the service center only because the expanded guarantee is so prescribed, although they offer you an already new and reliable car. Again the issue of price. Conclusion: is the purchased car so reliable if it is offered an expanded guarantee. Successful purchase of a new car!
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