Construction experience shows that the forms of the building do not always truthfully reflect the constructive basis. In particular, the immoderate use of external decoration elements can lead to the fact that the main structures will fade into the background. In wooden residential buildings there are sometimes so many overhead jewelry that the constructive essence and the artistic expressiveness of the chopped walls become difficult to distinguish. Moreover, other owners of such houses either with the aim of saving heat, or because they do not see beauty in simple chopped walls, sheathed them with tes or facing plank and even asbestos -cement tiles, depriving the construction of the original constructive clarity and true beauty. In the history of architecture, entire periods are known when the manifestation of constructive essence deliberately obscures. The architects of ancient Rome were perhaps the first to be afraid of simple beauty of the structure. On the famous Coliseum, which is the basis of which is the tectonic system of strong stone arches, they depicted a rack-beam-beam system from a number of thin columns and blocking the beams, as a result of which thoroughly confused the tectonic meaning of the construction. Baroque style architects, using their techniques (cut arches and pediments, paired columns, an abundance of stucco decorations and sculptures), almost completely destroyed the viewer at the constructive truth of their architectural structures. In our time, a different approach dominates. Modern designs and materials require simplicity and clarity of expression. They do not tolerate any constructive falsehood, decorating under the ancient classics, architecture of the Middle Ages or something like that. According to the French theoretician of the architecture of Catremer de Cansi, the most important thing for the architect when he works on his composition is a constant concentration of thought on ways by which the plan is embodied. As it seems to us, it is also not possible to reflect and understand the constructive veracity and tectonic essence of his future dwelling to an individual developer.
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